Collaborative Practice
An effective means of resolution for negotiating separation agreements as well as cohabitation agreements and marriage contracts.
What is Collaborative Practice?
I specialize in collaborative practice, which focuses on interest-based, candid negotiation via face-to-face settlement meetings with both spouses and their collaborative team.
Couples work with specialty-trained lawyers like myself – and sometimes other neutral professionals including accountants, financial planners and social workers – to reach mutually acceptable solutions outside of court.
How Does it Work?
Before negotiations can begin, both parties and their lawyers sign an agreement that commits them to the essential principles of collaborative practice.
One unique principle holds that if one party does decide to go to court, both lawyers must resign from the case. This rule ensures that everyone works hard to reach a settlement acceptable to both spouses.
The issues are resolved sooner and often less expensively.
Clients are in control, rather than judges or lawyers.
You customize your own solution.
You have a greater chance of being satisfied with the outcome.